Our Tutors

We are proud to say that our tutors have been working at the Math & Science Centre for many years. In that time they have gained exceptional experience in helping students with many different learning styles and abilities – from those who are struggling to those who are ready to be challenged. Their dedication and expertise has helped hundreds of students gain confidence and success in Math, Science and English.

Jill W

Jill has a passion for helping students understand material while working with them to develop their confidence. She qualified as a teacher in the UK, teaching high school before immigrating to Canada. Specializing in math and English for grades 1 to 8, Jill has been working at the Math & Science Centre since 2000.

Peter H

Peter loves math and physics almost as much as he loves making a difference in his student’s lives. Working at the Math and Science Centre allows him to continue to work with his favourite subjects while providing the challenge of facing something new each day. Peter achieved his degree in electrical engineering at UBC and has been working as a tutor at the Math & Science centre since 2000.

Ruxandra I

Ruxandra has a degree in mathematics and is a qualified math and computer science teacher. She finds it most rewarding when students achieve higher grades and meet their goals while helping them better understand math concepts as they get more challenging each year. Ruxandra joined the Math & Science Centre team in 2002.